Concise Provenance of Interactive Network Analysis

Supplementary Materials

Here we present the entire analysis process and generated provenance visualization in our usage scenarios. We show this information as a video for Sec. 5.1, while presenting it with images for Sec. 5.2. Also, the video for Sec. 5.1 demonstrates how our prototype sytem works.

Section 5.1. Usage Scenario - School Aggression Network (Video)

Section 5.2: Usage Scenario - Twitter Information Communication Network (Images)

a) Original Interaction Steps

*A larger image can be seen by hovering mouse over or clicking each image.

Step 0.

Step 1: Adding `User' nodes.

Step 2: Adding `Patriot' nodes.

Step 3: Adding `Retweeted user' nodes.

Step 4: Filtering out `Retweeted user' nodes.

Step 5: Aggregating `User' nodes whose the patriotism identity is `No Patriot' as `Not Patriots'.

Step 6: Aggregating `User' nodes whose the patriotism identity is `Patriot' as `Patriots'.

Step 7: Aggregating `User' nodes whose the patriotism identity is `NA' as `Unknown'.

Step 8: Adding `Retweeted user' nodes.

Step 9: Filtering out `User' nodes.

Step 10: Aggregating `Retweeted user' nodes whose the patriotism identity is `No Patriot' as `Not Patriots'.

Step 11: Aggregating `Retweeted user' nodes whose the patriotism identity is `Patriot' as `Patriots'.

Step 12: Aggregating `Retweeted user' nodes whose the patriotism identity is `NA' as `Unknown'.

Step 13: Adding `User' nodes.

Step 14: Filtering out `Patriot' nodes.

Step 15: Annotating a finding.

Step 16: Filtering out `Retweeted user' nodes.

Step 17: Adding `Website Category' nodes.

Step 18: Aggregating `quality newspaper', `TV news station', `financial paper', and `foreign media' as `hard news'.

Step 19: Aggregating `web-only news media', `entertainment newspaper', and `news curation website' as `soft news'.

Step 20: Aggregating `personal media', `textboards', `Q&A sites', `image-hosting service', and `video-sharing service' as a `social media'.

Step 21: Aggregating `government', `political party or politician', `activist organization', and `neutral organization', as `political organization'.

Step 22: Aggregating `ad', `scam', and `unknown' as `other'.

Step 23: Filtering out `other' node of `Website Category' nodes.

Step 24: Filtering out `unknown' node of `User' nodes.

Step 25: Annotating a finding.

b) Reduced Interaction Steps

Step 0.

Step 1: Adding the related nodes with the finding in Step 8 below.

Step 2: Aggregating `User' nodes whose the patriotism identity is `No Patriot' as `Not Patriots'.

Step 3: Aggregating `User' nodes whose the patriotism identity is `Patriot' as `Patriots'.

Step 4: Aggregating `User' nodes whose the patriotism identity is `NA' as `Unknown'.

Step 5: Aggregating `Retweeted user' nodes whose the patriotism identity is `No Patriot' as `Not Patriots'.

Step 6: Aggregating `Retweeted user' nodes whose the patriotism identity is `Patriot' as `Patriots'.

Step 7: Aggregating `Retweeted user' nodes whose the patriotism identity is `NA' as `Unknown'.

Step 8: Annotating a finding.

Step 9: Adding the related nodes with a finding in Step 16.

Step 10: Aggregating `quality newspaper', `TV news station', `financial paper', and `foreign media' as `hard news'.

Step 11: Aggregating `web-only news media', `entertainment newspaper', and `news curation website' as `soft news'.

Step 12: Aggregating `personal media', `textboards', `Q&A sites', `image-hosting service', and `video-sharing service' as a `social media'.

Step 13: Aggregating `government', `political party or politician', `activist organization', and `neutral organization', as `political organization'.

Step 14: Aggregating `ad', `scam', and `unknown' as `other'.

Step 15: Filtering out `other' node of `Website Category' nodes.

Step 16: Annotatign a finding.